Leave Joe Biden Alone: An 88-Year-Old’s Perspective on Age and Capability
Posted by Elara Trilby

Leave Joe Biden Alone: An 88-Year-Old’s Perspective on Age and Capability

In a world where public scrutiny can often seem unforgiving, Joe Biden's critics have been quick to point out his age and health as reasons why he might not be suited for the presidency. However, Hunter Davies, an 88-year-old veteran journalist, offers a different perspective, one grounded in his personal experiences and unwavering conviction that age should not be the ultimate criterion for a person's effectiveness or capability.

Hunter Davies is no stranger to the challenges that come with advancing age. At 81, while many might consider retirement, he was fully engaged in a demanding career. Far from slowing down, Davies continued to work full time, a testament to his belief that productivity and passion do not necessarily wane with age. To paint a vivid picture, he shares stories from his own life, including working despite significant health setbacks. Undergoing a triple heart bypass and getting a new knee did not deter him from leading an active life. His narrative is not just a defense of Biden, but a celebration of the resilience and determination that can accompany the golden years.

Davies goes beyond the realm of professional life to talk about his personal experiences. At 82, he was not just alive but thriving, with five girlfriends and a zest for life that many younger individuals might envy. He speaks fondly of his late wife, the renowned writer Margaret Forster, and acknowledges the joy he finds in his current relationship with Miranda. These anecdotes are more than mere stories; they are powerful reminders that life, in all its complexity and joy, does not stop at a certain age.

Critics might argue that governing a country, especially one as complex as the United States, requires an unmatched level of vigor and mental sharpness. While this is undeniably true, Davies highlights that mental faculties do not necessarily decline with age. He points to Biden’s decades of experience in politics, arguing that this wealth of knowledge is invaluable. Davies emphasizes that as long as Biden maintains his mental sharpness and adheres to a health regimen, he remains fit to lead. It is a strong argument, especially considering the wisdom and perspective that come with experience.

Davies's reflections also touch on a broader societal issue. Ageism, the bias against people because of their age, is pervasive and affects many aspects of life, from employment to social interactions. By defending Biden, Davies is also standing against ageism, advocating for a society that values individuals for their contributions and capabilities rather than their chronological age. He asserts that every individual, regardless of age, has the potential to make meaningful contributions to society.

The Reality of Aging and Health

The discussion around Joe Biden's age is, in part, a reflection of broader societal attitudes towards aging and health. As people live longer lives, the concept of what it means to age has evolved. Many seniors today lead active, fulfilling lives, challenging outdated stereotypes about what it means to be elderly. Davies’s own life is a case in point. He not just worked full-time but enjoyed life to its fullest, an inspiration to anyone who believes that life after a certain age must be marked by decline.

Medical advancements have also played a significant role in changing the landscape of aging. Procedures like heart bypasses and knee replacements, once considered major setbacks, are now relatively common and allow individuals to continue their active lives. Davies's experiences with these medical procedures and his subsequent recovery highlight how modern medicine can significantly enhance the quality of life for seniors. Biden, with access to the best medical care, can similarly maintain a high level of function despite his age.

Another critical point Davies makes is the importance of mental health and cognitive function. While physical health can be managed with the right medical care and lifestyle adjustments, maintaining mental sharpness is equally crucial. Biden's long career in politics, his ability to engage with complex issues, and his interactions with world leaders demonstrate that he remains mentally capable. Davies’s insistence that Biden’s mental faculties are intact is a crucial part of his argument against age-based criticism.

The Value of Experience

The Value of Experience

One of the key arguments that Davies presents is the immense value of experience. In a field as challenging and nuanced as politics, experience can often make the difference between success and failure. Biden's decades-long career has seen him navigate numerous domestic and international challenges, providing him with a deep understanding of governance that few others possess. Davies argues that this experience is a significant asset, one that outweighs concerns about age.

Moreover, experience brings perspective, a quality that is often lacking in younger leaders. The ability to see the bigger picture, to understand the long-term consequences of decisions, and to manage crises with a steady hand are all hallmarks of experienced leadership. Biden’s tenure in politics has given him insights that are invaluable in navigating the complexities of the modern world. Davies’s own life experiences, his successes and challenges, mirror this understanding that experience is a powerful teacher.

In his reflections, Davies also highlights the importance of empathy and wisdom, qualities that often deepen with age. Biden has frequently been noted for his empathy, a trait that has been shaped by personal tragedies and challenges. This ability to connect with people on a human level, to understand their struggles and aspirations, is a crucial aspect of effective leadership. Davies argues that it is precisely Biden's age and the experiences that come with it that have honed his empathetic qualities, making him a compassionate and understanding leader.

Challenges and Resilience

Davies's narrative is not just a defense of Biden but also a tribute to the resilience of the human spirit. His own life, marked by significant health challenges and personal losses, is a testament to the ability to rise above difficulties and continue contributing meaningfully to society. He argues that Biden’s resilience, demonstrated through his long and sometimes tumultuous political career, is a testament to his suitability for leadership.

This resilience, according to Davies, is especially important in the face of the unique challenges that come with modern governance. From navigating a global pandemic to addressing economic uncertainties and social unrest, the ability to remain steadfast and adapt to changing circumstances is crucial. Biden’s track record, bolstered by decades of navigating political storms, showcases this resilience. Davies asserts that this quality should be a vital consideration in evaluating Biden’s capacity to lead.

Importantly, Davies also touches on the role of a support system in sustaining resilience. From his own experiences, he acknowledges the importance of having loved ones and a strong support network. In Biden’s case, his family and trusted advisors play a significant role in supporting his endeavors. This support network not only provides personal strength but also helps in making informed and balanced decisions.

Challenging Ageism

Challenging Ageism

In defending Biden, Davies is also making a broader statement against ageism. The tendency to discount someone’s abilities based on their age is a pervasive issue in many societies. It affects not just political leaders but also ordinary individuals in various aspects of life. By standing up for Biden, Davies is challenging the societal norms that often marginalize older individuals. He calls for a reevaluation of how we perceive aging and the contributions of seniors.

Davies's narrative invites readers to reflect on their own biases and attitudes towards aging. It prompts a deeper understanding that capability, wisdom, and experience do not diminish with age. Instead, they can be enhanced, leading to a richer, more nuanced approach to life's challenges.

His defense of Biden is a call to action for society to embrace a more inclusive and respectful attitude towards aging. It’s a rejection of the idea that age alone should determine a person’s role or value. Instead, Davies advocates for a worldview that recognizes the ongoing potential and contributions of individuals at every stage of life.


Hunter Davies’s reflections provide a compelling and deeply personal perspective on the debate surrounding Joe Biden’s age and suitability for the presidency. Through his own life experiences, Davies illustrates that age should not be the sole determinant of a person's capabilities or potential. His narrative is a powerful reminder of the resilience, wisdom, and empathy that can accompany the later years of life.

In defending Biden, Davies is also standing against the broader issue of ageism, advocating for a society that values individuals for their contributions and capabilities regardless of their age. His message is clear: as long as Biden maintains his mental sharpness and health, he possesses the experience and resilience needed to lead effectively.

Ultimately, Davies’s insights challenge us to reconsider our own perceptions of aging and capability. They invite us to recognize the ongoing potential and contributions of older individuals, urging us to build a more inclusive and respectful society where age is seen not as a limitation but as a source of strength and wisdom.


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